Storm Boen, a decorated veteran of the US Army, is the owner and founder of Operation Cigars for Warriors. Cigars for Warriors, a registered 501(c)3 charity, is a non-profit whose mission is to deliver cigars to the United States Armed Forces who are sacrificially serving in active combat zones across the globe. For our soldiers on deployment, something as simple as sitting down with a cigar can make a world of difference for them. It gives them a chance to take a few moments, relax, and enjoy a taste of home. Storm, along with his selfless team and support from their donors, have delivered over 1.3 million (and counting) cigars to our troops overseas.
Cigars for Warriors is a charity that we trust and encourage you to go out of your way to donate to their mission. Donating is as simple as dropping a cigar (or 20) in the donation box at your local cigar shop. You can also donate by visiting - it makes a world of difference to those who receive them! If your local shop is not yet a Cigars for Warriors donation center, encourage them to do so and direct them to CFW by visiting
Cigars for Warriors is made possible only by generosity and donations and they as well as our troops overseas would greatly appreciate your support!